KEPL ensures that the relationship with our customers is nurtured throughout the lifespan of our products with the help of our portfolio of services. We are aware that in most cases, 90% of the total life cycle cost of a flow management system is accrued after the installation of the product. Therefore, we believe in delivering continuous value to our customers our dedicated team providing expert solutions and training.


Pump Basics & API 610 pumps.

Learn the principles of pump operation, basic terms used in performance characteristics, calculation of total head & NPSH concept, pump classification in API 610, KEPL product basket in API 610 and cavitation & its symptoms.

Pump installation & commissioning procedure

Understand Material identification at site, pre-commissioning checks, foundation & base frame installation, pump alignment & soft foot checks, dos & don’t’s of commissioning the warm-up line, balance line, equalising line arrangement, pump performance & routine observations and instrument installation & simulation.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance of KEPL make pumps

Recognise typical troubles in a centrifugal pump, symptoms of unhealthy condition, pump periodic overhauling, Impeller/ Rotor balancing, end play & float adjustment in KEPL pumps, centring in BB type of KEPL pumps, assembly & dismantling of KEPL make pumps, pump performance & routine observations.

Boiler feed application pumps & maintenance.

Master the requirements of BFW pumps, KEPL pumps for BFW applications, pump selection, criteria for BFW application, use of extraction nozzle at LP flow, selection of pump for LP + HP flow, assembly features - centring & float adjustment, method of axial thrust balancing in pumps.

Mechanical seal and seal plans. Installation, operation and troubleshooting.

Know all about the types of seals as per API 682, types of seal plans as per API 682, seal installation & the requirement of squareness/parallelity, gland packing arrangement in BFW pumps, basics of seal plan instrumentation & tripping logic, seal Failure analysis/ attending

Lubrication, Lube oil cooling methods and cooling arrangement for KEPL pumps

Study the requirement of oil cooling, traditional sump oil lubrication, external forced lubrication, Installation & commissioning of external force lubrication system, oil filling procedure in sump oil lubrication, effects of under/over lubrication.